Enterprise companies around the world are awakening to the power of cloud


In the past, responsibility was with the IT department. With the value of cloud proven, it’s now a question of when and why enterprise companies should move to cloud. Now business decision makers feel the cloud is critical to their businesses’ success for a number of reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. The upgrade – Enterprises are beginning to wonder about the value of paying for support and maintenance if they’re not getting the advantages of product upgrades because it’s too disruptive to the business. Facing an expensive and time-consuming upgrade that’s going to bring little in terms of real value, they’re moving to the cloud.
  2. Much easier collaboration – Remember the days when all your documents were saved on your hard drive and you’d either have to back it up or risk losing your life’s work forever? That’s no longer an issue. Cloud allows work to be accessed from multiple devices and from anywhere, which in turns makes it much easier for teams to collaborate on shared data.
  3. A real-time view of your financial position – Small business accounting software that’s not cloud-based can be tedious. Traditionally, it can suck up far too much of your business’ time and effort. This doesn’t add value, and takes the fun out of being in business. Using cloud accounting software means you enter your data once, so you can work on a single sheet with your financial advisor so you know exactly where your business stands.
  4. Cloud drives better engagement – As we see the focus of business decision makers shift from cost efficiencies to improvements in  engagement, cloud is often seen as the most effective means of forging a tighter link with the customer.
  5. New business models – Many enterprise businesses suddenly find themselves competing with smaller, nimbler start-ups, who have a significant advantage in not being held back by pre-Internet software. To compete, they need to be able to adopt new business models quickly. That demands more flexible systems that can adapt to these new models more quickly and cloud  meets that need.
  6. Need for speed – 52% of leading organizations are turning to the cloud to drive more rapid innovation in products and services.
  7. Number of aiding apps – The cloud is inherently flexible which means you can scale up solutions or scale down ones that don’t work with your company, much simpler than old desktop software. The move to the cloud opens up a whole vibrant ecosystem of apps ready to help you work smarter.
  8. Cloud benefits are measurable and pay for themselves – From efficiency gains to improved employee mobility, leading organizations are able to measure significant benefits from their cloud investments.
  9. It’s way safer than hard drive – With teams of data security specialists focusing on protecting your data, the cloud is one of the most secure ways to store information. For example, by using cloud software, if your laptop is stolen, no one can access your data unless they have a login to the online account.In the event of a natural disaster or fire, being in the cloud means business productivity doesn’t need to be affected because there’s no downtime. All of your information is safely and securely stored off site. As long as you have access to any computer or mobile device connected to the internet, you’re back up and running.
    In addition to this, if you invite users to view your data, you can control the level of access. This is much more secure than the old-fashioned way of emailing your files or sending out a USB stick with your data on it, or the biggest security hole: sharing a login.
  10. Cloud promotes agility and innovation – While it may take strong leadership and time to overcome initial teething issues, the effort to push the boundaries and the benefits that sort of challenge delivers to a company far outweigh the cost of letting the cloud movement go by.