Wouldn’t it be great for people to quickly recognize an email from your company even before opening it? The good news is that there is a new and modern approach to how to do that and it is called BIMI.

BIMI stands for Brand Indicators for Message Identification and it is a new email standard that enables you to display your brand logo next to an email which ensures you visibility and increases authenticity. BIMI is actually a DNS record, which requires other email authentication methods to be already enforced (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Check our previous videos for more details.

With your brand logo displayed next to email, recipients easily recognize the messages you send, which helps your company stand out amongst other senders in the inbox. Being able to see your brand’s logo along with email, recipients immediately know that email comes from a legitimate source. 


The key benefits of BIMI for your business are brand recognition and email reliability. From the marketing and security point of view, BIMI is very effective and we can expect in the near future more companies implementing this great standard.

Check out our video and contact us if you want to find out more about how to implement BIMI.