Pivot Tables for Google Spreadsheets

Over the past few months, Google’s released a string of new features in Google Docs to give your business more tools for collaborative document editing and data analysis. From simpler file uploads to discussions and mobile editing in documents, it is easier for you and your colleagues to work together on the web. Continuing with this
effort, they’re launching pivot tables in Google spreadsheets, which will be rolled out to all Rapid Release users over the next 24 hours.

With pivot tables, you can quickly narrow down large data sets to get high level insights. Say you run a retail chain and you have thousands of rows of sales data broken down by purchase. It could be helpful for you and your sales manager to view the total annual revenue for each region without having to enter multiple formulas. In a matter of seconds, you can create a pivot table and summarize all of your data according to the factors you specify, all while collaborating with your sales manager on the spreadsheet.You can now analyze data in Google Spreadsheets using pivot tables from different viewpoints.

How to access what’s new:
Create a pivot table by selecting the data you want to analyze and then choosing ‘Pivot Table Report’ from the ‘Data’ drop down menu. The fields you set in the report editor for rows, columns, and values can be dragged around the editor. You can also summarize data in the values section using built in formulas.

Note: Spreadsheets does not currently support pivot tables imported from Microsoft Excel

We hope pivot tables in Google spreadsheets will help you save time analyzing your data.

Google Tasks API now available

Google recently released a new API for Google Tasks. This API allows developers to add task query and modification capabilities to their applications.

How to access what’s new:
Activate the Tasks API for your project via the API Console. Client libraries are available for various programming languages.

Read more on this here.