in the past decade, we’ve witnessed how the number of employee telecommute population grew. It seems that the generation X-ers watched their workaholic parents, and aren’t about to make the same mistake. We have entered the Age of the Telecommuter.
Currently, 45 percent of US employees work from home and the percentage is expected to grow further. This puts significant strain on the companies who have not embraced cloud computing yet. as Darwin pointed out: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” Without changing i.e. transitioning to modern tools, companies are about to cease to be.
Since many companies are using Office set of tools, Microsoft has adapted to new demands by developing Office 365.
Not stopping at that, their Business Academy is set to help and inform businesses of ways to use cloud. Collaboration and communication across distances are vital features for telecommuters and deserve a special cover.
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