downloadProtect yourself and your customers, visitors of your website, by using recognized free SSL certificates and placing your website on best infrastructure form leading public cloud vendors like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure and deploying encryption by means of HTTPS protocol. In order to use HTTPS for public websites you need recognized SSL certificate that usually costs from $10 to $200 per year – now you can obtain free of charge SSL certificates for from Let’s Encrypt, recognized by all major browsers and provided free of charge. Miadria can help getting those certificates for your website as well as installing them on your website – we recommend hosting websites on Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure platforms where you get economical additional protection and performance. If you decide to do it yourself since most of the websites at the moment are based on WordPress, here are some tricks to convert your old site to HTTPS ready site you might need to update number of URL’s within your posts from http://yoursite form to //yoursite form in order to ensure that content is served over HTTPS and not over plain HTTP – in order to do that simplest way is to run SQL script on your WordPress database:

USE wp_database;
SET @oldn = ‘’;
SET @newn = ‘//’;
UPDATE wp_database_posts SET guid = replace(guid, @oldn, @newn);
UPDATE wp_database_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, @oldn, @newn);
UPDATE wp_database_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, @oldn, @newn);

More information on how to setup WordPress with SSL certificates you can find on CloudLiving post.

Stay safe, use Let’s Encrypt to get your free SSL certificates 🙂