As millennials overtake the workforce, local companies are trying to adapt by changing work policies and recruitment tactics. Millennials — ages 18 to 34 — represent the largest share of the labor market, but they are perceived as having little loyalty to their employers with one foot out the door.
To retain millennials, it’s crucial to not only have a workplace culture that’s desirable compared to competitors, but to provide learning and growth opportunities.
Roughly 60 percent of millennials said a sense of purpose is part of the reason they chose to work at their employer.
Older gens can be baffled by their younger colleagues and, with collaboration becoming the major platform in business, the gap needs heeding. Luckily, help comes from those who work on improving collaboration in the first place – tech companies. Microsoft has a series of videos called Modern Worplace that we recommend you see. All you need to do is register.