“Be sure to use a strong password” is advice we all constantly see online. With the plethora of websites that you probably have accounts for, there’s simply no way to easily remember every single password without duplicating them.

A Trick For Creating Memorable Passwords

A strong password like 3o(t&gSp&3hZ4#t9 or “BigHouse$123” isa pretty good one, but th e problem  is memorizing this password. Assuming you don’t have a photographic memory, you’d have to spend time drilling these characters into your brain. There are random password generators that can come up with this type of password for you — they’re generally most useful as part of a password manager that will also remember them for you.

You’ll need to think about how to come up with a memorable password. You don’t want to use something obvious with dictionary characters, so consider using some sort of trick to memorize it.

With the a new hacking scandal in the news every other week, everyone should be concerned about the security of their online accounts. Here are a few simple techniques for creating strong passwords – and remembering them!

Good for you, the experts say that forcing users to create passwords which include numbers and random characters is no longer necessary.


The longer the password, the harder it is to crack. Consider a 12-character password or longer.

 Avoid names, places, and dictionary words.

Mix it up. Use variations on capitalization, spelling, numbers, and punctuation.


Take a sentence and turn it into a password.

The sentence can be anything personal and memorable for you. Take the words from the sentence, then abbreviate and combine them in unique ways to form a password. Here are four sample sentences that I put together.

E.G. W?ow?imp::ohth3r = Where oh where is my pear? Oh, there, or 

“Bradford is thirty two miles from Manchester”- Bi32mfM.


Make up a mental picture

Select an image of an interesting place (Mount Rushmore). Select a photo of a familiar or famous person (Beyonce). Imagine some random action along with a random object (Beyonce driving a Jello mold at Mount Rushmore). You see, our brains remember better with visual, shared cues and with outlandish, unusual scenarios.

For example, you can take the first three letters from “driving” and “Jello” to create “driJel.”. Just combine your made-up words together, and you’ll have an 18-character password that’ll appear completely random to others yet familiar to you.

Except that chestnut about using two-factor authentication. You should still definitely do that.