Google Earth, which is known for showing satellite imagery, topography and 3D buildings, unveiled new features that offer additional information and more interactive experiences, weaving in storytelling and artificial intelligence and freeing it from apps.

“This is our gift to the world,” Google Earth director Rebecca Moore said while giving AFP an early look at the new version of the program that lets people range the planet from the comfort of their computers, smartphones or tablets.

Google Earth has been reborn.

It’s integrated with “Knowledge Cards,” which give users more information about the places they’re seeing; “Points of Interest” that Google recommends users check out when they’re in certain locations; and “Feeling Lucky,” which randomly picks from one of 20,000 less-known locales for people to explore, like the Oodaira Hot Springs in Yamagata, Japan, or Pemba Island off the Swahili coast.
If you want to explore more randomly, there’s also a new “I’m feeling lucky” button that points you to a random location.

Redesigned Google Earth brings guided tours and 3D view to Chrome browsers and Android devices 
Making it available via the web also makes Google Earth more social than ever before. Besides being able to share locations with just a link, mobile users can send “postcards” of the places they find.
In short, there are so many new features you’ll like that you best read the full announcement.
The revamped Google Earth — which the company says was two years in the making — is now available in Chrome or on Android, and will be coming to iOS and other browsers in the future.