Vertical merge, more paste options and more import/export support in Google Spreadsheets


The following new features are now available in Google spreadsheets:

Vertical merge: The merge functionality has been extended to let you create vertical merges across several rows of data.
Paste options: Four new paste special options have been added including: paste all cell contents except borders, formulas only, data validation only, or conditional formatting only.
Import/Export support: You can now convert most pivot tables between Microsoft Excel files and Google spreadsheets.

How to access what’s new:
Vertical merge: Select the set of cells you’d like to merge, then click on the down arrow next to the merge icon, and select ‘Merge vertically’.
Paste options: These new options are in a list under “Paste Special” in the ‘Edit’ menu of Google spreadsheets.
Import/Export support: To import a pivot table you created in Microsoft Excel, click the ‘File’ menu in Google spreadsheets, and select ‘import’, then select the file from the import options, and click the ‘import’ button. If you’ve created a pivot table in Google spreadsheets, go to ‘File’ in the spreadsheet, then click ‘Download As’, and choose ‘Excel’.


Multiple sign-in, preferences and auto-responder settings now in Gmail for mobile

The following new features have now been added to Gmail for mobile:

Multiple sign-in: You can now to sign into multiple accounts simultaneously just like on your desktop.
Mobile-specific signature: To let your recipients know that your email has been written on a mobile device.
Vacation Auto-responder: You can now set your vacation auto-responder from the mobile version.
How to access what’s new:

Multiple sign-in: To sign into an additional account, click on the account switcher at the bottom of the threadlist, then click ”Sign into an another account”.
Mobile-specific signature: Press the new settings icon, choose your signature, and then check the box to activate it.
Vacation Auto-responder: In your settings, choose a start and end date and specify your message, just like on the desktop interface.