Online drawings at your fingertips
Draw everything you can imagine
From organizational charts to floor plans – you can now easily draw whatever you want. Insert text, shapes, arrows and images from your local computer or from the Web. With every detail added on the canvas your drawing is saved on Drive.
Export your drawing
You can export your drawing in variety of formats such as .pdf, .jpg, .png and .svg so you can use it later for embedding into slides, sites or in third-party software applications.
Use advanced features
Take advantage of some common tools from vector-based software such as alignment guides, snap to grid, auto distribution and more to lay out prrecise drawings. Insert output into Google Docs/Sheets/Slides using Web Clipboard and edit them inline in those applications.
Print, share and more
Share your masterpiece with your colleagues or anyone in the world. Preview your printing and make a hard copy of it.