Managing Google Apps system in your organization
As an admin for Google Apps for Work, you can easily perform various tasks for fine-tuning of the system in order to adjust every single part of the system to fit your particular working environment.
Manage users, devices, groups
It is easy to add users, manage devices and configure security so your data are always safe. Mobile device management is part of the service, too. Admin has access to the mobile app for fast problems solving, while Google Support is available for him 24/7.
Top-level security
Enable 2-step verification and Single Sign-On for improved security of users’ accounts. When trying to log in, user is provided with a token – additional security step which makes his account uncompromising.
Mobile Device Management
Whether you have strict policy just to use company’s hardware or you let your employees to bring their own devices (BYOD), your data are secure. You can manage various devices via Admin Panel such as iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows. Easily locate stolen or missing phones and lock and wipe them remotely.
Insights and Reporting
You have powerful tools for monitoring your company’s use of Google Apps at your fingertips. Set alert policies for suspicious activities and audit data you get from Google Apps usage.
Native & Third-party Apps
The Google Admin app for Android/iOS lets administrators manage their account on the go by adding users, resetting passwords, viewing audit logs, contacting support and more.