Microsoft Azure is the cloud for modern business.

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, a growing collection of integrated services – analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage and web – for moving faster, achieving more and saving money.

Azure adds to your productivity with many features that make it easier to build and manage enterprise, mobile, web and Internet of Things (IoT) apps faster, using skills developers and IT professionals already have and technologies they already know.

Azure supports the broadest selection of operating systems, programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases and devices. Run Linux and Docker containers; build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android and Windows devices. Azure supports the same technologies that millions of developers and IT professionals already rely on and trust.

Azure easily integrates with your existing IT environment through the largest network of secure private connections, hybrid database and storage solutions, and data residency and encryption features – so your assets stay right where you need them.

Azure runs on a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed data centres across 19 regions, including China. This fast-growing global footprint gives you lots of options for running applications and ensuring great customer performance.

Contact Miadria, Microsoft Partner to find more about Microsoft Azure and how we can help you integrate it into your current IT environment and meet your needs.

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