Our first and foremost goal is providing professional and high quality services to our clients. We care about clients’ core business because we understand there has to be a good business reason behind every technology change. Our reputation and relations are built with long-term business in mind.

Miadria Clients Worldwide


Education and continuous improvement of knowledge and skills is crucial to us so we invest into them  in order to stay up-to-date with cloud computing trends and be ready to best cater for our clients’ needs and be on top of the game.

After  implementing various cloud solutions for more than 6 years in 100+ companies ranging from 1 to 5.000 and more employees, we are confident in saying that we know how to tailor projects and make them a success.

Contact us with more information about everyday pain that you experience in your business and we will custom-build solutions that will be best suited for your company.


Read what our clients say about working with us:

APPSLATEST News and Posts

Recently Google announced exciting news for Business Starter users – shared drives and pooled storage are officially becoming part of the Business Starter Google Workspace edition. This move will bring… Read more »